Yes, you just had Dr Jim Thorp on your show with the Wellness Company. I placed an order with his company and they charge my CC $300.00. His website sent me to a doctor referral and I clicked on Missouri and they only had one Physician for the entire state, so I tried to book a appointment and there were no available dates. I then tried to cancel my order, I called many times no one ansers the phone. On their website, they had several email address and I sent one to each of them and no one responded for 11 days. I told them what had happen to me and they refused to return my money. I am currently working with my bank to get refunded, this has been going on for several weeks. This company is a complete fraud.
Paul McKenna long time listener, I also follow you guys on twitter with Big D. I found his company who was advertising on The Gateway Pundit twitter account. I've reached out to Jim Hoft and he has not responded.
You should email them on their actual email address. This Forum is mostly for the fans to chat with one another. While I am sorry you got burned; some of this might be because of a misunderstanding between you and the Wellness Company. Not to diminish your situation because I would be very upset too if it were me. I do not think I will seek out their service either because I could not afford to spend that kind of money for nothing.
The email address for LFS6b is: