Good debate on Santos Gents, both sides presented. Though Santos is a thug, as an elected official he should be entitled to due process before the peoples will is overiden.
I have to agree, and like Damon I say they have more pressing things. They can think of dozens of things to do but not action on the budget, no action on stopping the on purpose invasion on what was the United States of America., no action on stopping the poisoning of our fellow citizens ny fentynal. No worries that China is buying up farmland, and making all our medicines. Priorities are skewed.
I have to agree, and like Damon I say they have more pressing things. They can think of dozens of things to do but not action on the budget, no action on stopping the on purpose invasion on what was the United States of America., no action on stopping the poisoning of our fellow citizens ny fentynal. No worries that China is buying up farmland, and making all our medicines. Priorities are skewed.