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38 Democrats still don't want you to be able to breathe freely. Bill prohibits federal mask mandates

On Wednesday afternoon, an important part of U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance’s comprehensive plan to put an end to federal mask mandates successfully advanced through the Senate. Vance, a Republican from Ohio, attached a significant amendment to the Senate minibus bill, seeking to prohibit federal mask mandates on public transit. The amendment achieved Senate clearance with a decisive 59-38 vote.

Vance expressed his enthusiasm, saying, “This is an extraordinary victory for personal freedom in our great nation. Throughout the COVID pandemic, we witnessed numerous instances of abuse of authority, leaving the American people rightfully outraged by unscientific mask requirements. Today, the United States Senate took a resolute step towards embracing common sense and upholding individual liberty. I take immense pride in our achievements thus far and eagerly look forward to carrying on this fight.”

The amendment specifically forbids the utilization of federal funds by the U.S. Department of Transportation to enforce mask mandates relating to the COVID-19 virus through the current fiscal year. Furthermore, it extends the prevention of federal mask mandates onto passenger airlines, commuter rail, rapid transit buses, and any other transportation programs funded until the end of fiscal year 2024.

Vance clarified its scope, stating, "It has a narrow focus, applicable only for the next 11 months and strictly limited to transportation cases. I believe it is reasonable to spare the American people from enduring another era of mask mandates. My amendment seeks to achieve precisely that goal."

The minibus bill carries important funding provisions for military construction, as well as funding for the U.S. Departments of Veterans Affairs, Agriculture, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development.

As previously reported, Vance introduced a bill in early September that aimed to prevent any federal official, including the President, from implementing a mask mandate until the end of 2024. The proposed legislation would halt mandates on domestic air travel, public transit systems, primary and secondary schools, as well as colleges and universities. It would also prohibit airlines, transit authorities, and educational institutions from denying service to anyone based on mask non-compliance.

Vance's attempt to force a vote on the legislation on September 7th faced opposition from Democrats, preventing unanimous passage and subsequently requiring the bill to proceed through committees.

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